Understanding Clouds and Precipitation

Published: 10 September 2018

Scheduled from February 25 to March 1, 2019, in Berlin, Germany, Understanding Clouds and Precipitation (UCP2019) will bring together leading scientists from the observational and earth system modeling communities to present the latest findings and advance understanding of the role of clouds and precipitation.

“This conference and its focus topics are very relevant to ARM,” says ARM Technical Director Jim Mather. “Moreover, it is a great opportunity to see what’s happening at the forefront of technology and build collaboration with our European colleagues.”

UCP2019 is centered on five focus topics:

  • looking toward global storm-resolving climate simulations
  • cloud and precipitation insights from recent and planned field studies
  • technical advances for simulating, computing and observing clouds and precipitation
  • coupling of aerosols, clouds, and precipitation to circulations systems or the environment
  • progress in understanding and representing unresolved processes in storm-resolving simulations.