Research Highlights


Members of the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) user facility’s science team are major contributors to radiation and cloud research. Scientists and investigators using ARM publish about 150 peer-reviewed journal articles per year, and ARM data are used in many studies published by other scientific organizations. These documented research efforts represent tangible evidence of ARM’s contribution to advances in almost all areas of atmospheric radiation and cloud research.

Recent Highlights

Coming together! A 4D observational data set of atmospheric boundary-layer properties in Houston

24 July 2024

Lamer, Katia; Mages, Zackary

Supported by: ARM ASR

Research area: Atmospheric Thermodynamics and Vertical Structures

Field data from eight teams were brought together, standardized, and enhanced to facilitate research into Houston’s complex atmospheric boundary layer (ABL).

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Tracking precipitation features and associated large-scale environments over southeastern Texas

24 July 2024

Fast, Jerome D

Supported by: ASR

Research area: Cloud-Aerosol-Precipitation Interactions

Deep convection is a major contributor to annual total precipitation and a source of very high-intensity rainfall over coastal Texas. Understanding the initiation and development of deep convection, including isolated deep convection (IDC) and mesoscale convective systems (MCSs), is crucial due to their significant impact on regional weather patterns and [...]

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IEDEL algorithm reduces data quality issue labeling workload by up to 95%

23 July 2024

Peppler, Randy A.

Supported by: ARM

Research area: Surface Properties

The implementation of IEDEL algorithm with unanimous voting can efficiently and effectively identify sporadic data-quality issues scattered throughout large-scale data sets. This algorithm iteratively reduces labeling noise (errors) by leveraging transfer learning with an ensemble of non-overfitting models, significantly minimizing the data review workload by up to 95%.

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