Fall 2002 SCM IOP

3 November 2002 - 23 November 2002

Lead Scientist: Minghua Zhang

Observatory: sgp, sgp

This SCM IOP is proposed to run concurrently with the SGP UAV flights. Part of the UAV Science Plan is to help close the column for providing estimates of advective forcing. The radiation, cloud, and atmospheric state measurements from the UAV can folded in with the SCM IOP sounding data and routine ARM data as input to the variational analysis, which gives us the advective forcing and mean column values for driving SCMs and CRMs.



Shrestha R and P Houser. 2010. "A heterogeneous land surface model initialization study." Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres, 115(D19), D19111, 10.1029/2009jd013252.

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Campaign Data Sets

IOP Participant Data Source Name Final Data
Minghua Zhang ncdc-synop-maps Order Data