SP2 Deployment at Boston College-Aerodyne led Coated Black Carbon Study (BC4)

25 March 2015 - 30 April 2015

Lead Scientist: Timothy Onasch

Observatory: osc, osc

The main objective of the Boston College-Aerodyne led laboratory study (BC4) is to measure the optical properties of black carbon (BC) particles coated with secondary organic and inorganic material and to achieve optical closure with model predictions. The measurements of single particle BC mass and population mixing states provided by a single particle soot photometer (SP2) will be central to the laboratory-based study. Specifically, with the DOE ARM SP2 instrument as part of the BC4 project, we would expect to address the following scientific questions:

  • What is the mass-specific absorption coefficient (MAC) as a function of secondary organic and inorganic material coatings?
  • What is the spread in the population mixing states within our carefully generated laboratory particles?
  • How does the SP2 instrument respond to well characterized, internally mixed BC-containing particles?


Arthur Sedlacek



Langenbrunner B. 2020. "Ill-sooted models." Nature Climate Change, 10(4), 10.1038/s41558-020-0749-5.

Fierce L, T Onasch, C Cappa, C Mazzoleni, S China, J Bhandari, P Davidovits, D Fischer, T Helgestad, A Lambe, A Sedlacek, G Smith, and L Wolff. 2020. "Radiative absorption enhancements by black carbon controlled by particle-to-particle heterogeneity in composition." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(10), 10.1073/pnas.1919723117.
Research Highlight


Sedlacek A, P Davidovits, ER Lewis, and TB Onasch. 2016. Characterization of Black Carbon Mixing State Field Campaign Report. Ed. by Robert Stafford, DOE ARM Climate Research Facility. DOE/SC-ARM-16-017. 10.2172/1248934.

Onasch TB and AJ Sedlacek. 2016. SP2 Deployment at Boston College—Aerodyne-Led Coated Black Carbon Study (BC4) Final Campaign Summary. Ed. by Robert Stafford, DOE ARM Climate Research Facility. DOE/SC-ARM-15-068. 10.2172/1242986.

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Campaign Data Sets

IOP Participant Data Source Name Final Data
Arthur Sedlacek Single Particle Soot Photometer Order Data