Science + Fun = 2011 WeatherFest

Published: 4 February 2011

The 91st Annual American Meteorological Society (AMS) meeting kicked off with the 10th Annual WeatherFest science fair. Members of the ARM Communications team, along with Professor Polar Bear and the Climate Kids, participated in the public event, which was held at the Washington State Convention Center in Seattle, Washington, on January 23, 2011.

Over 4000 teachers, students, and families filled the hall during the four-hour fair, exploring nearly 60 displays, many of which offered activities that proved to be as entertaining as they were educational. A singing meteorologist took to the stage at regular intervals, arming students with inflatable instruments as they sang along during his weather-themed compositions. Other favorites included the “hair-raising” static electricity ball and the model mountain slope with scheduled “Avalanche” simulations.

Crowds of kids both young and young at heart couldn’t wait for their photo ops with Professor Polar Bear and the Climate Kids. Hundreds of lesson plans, newsletters, and activity books were distributed to eager parents, educators, and students. The data display gave students an opportunity to see science in action and ask interesting questions. One particular student, after viewing the display, came to the conclusion that “Science is really complicated!” Indeed, it is. But thanks to events like WeatherFest, we get to remind kids that it’s also a lot of fun!

Editor’s Note: Stacy Larsen is an ARM Communications Team member and attended WeatherFest for the first time.