1 September 2000 - 31 October 2000

Lead Scientist: David Randall

Observatory: sgp, sgp

The Single Column Modeling (SCM) Working Group requested that its two 3-week SCM IOPs be split between the Water Vapor IOP and the AFWEX Campaign. A 2-week effort supported the Water Vapor IOP for the period September 25 through October 8. This complex IOP required close coordination with the FAA and Vance Air Force Base officials since there were multi non eye-safe laser systems, dual radiosonde launches (RS-80 and RS-90 for comparison), and a small, remotely powered, lightly- instrumented model airplane, among other guest instruments. A 4-week effort suppored the AFWEX Campaign for the period November 27 through December 22. The SCM Group requested a 1-week longer IOP experiment to capture more of the late fall/early winter weather patterns. Around-the-clock 3-hourly RAWINSONDE launches were conducted from the CF and four Boundary Sites for this IOP. During this reporting period, the BF sounding systems were activated over the weekend of 25, 26 November, and one refresher training sounding was taken each day. In addition, and in compliance with BCR-00304, all SGP sounding modes were changed to process the winds data in normal mode vice research mode.



Xie S, RT Cederwall, and MH Zhang. 2004. "Developing long-term single-column model/cloud system–resolving model forcing data using numerical weather prediction products constrained by surface and top of the atmosphere observations." Journal of Geophysical Research, 109(D1), D01104, 10.1029/2003jd004045.


Xie S, RT Cederwall, M Zhang, and JJ Yio. 2003. "Comparison of SCM and CSRM forcing data derived from the ECMWF model and from objective analysis at the ARM SGP site." Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 108(D16), 4499, 10.1029/2003jd003541.

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Campaign Data Sets

IOP Participant Data Source Name Final Data
Richard Cederwall ncdc-synop-maps Order Data